Meet The Committee

Tim Brewster – Club President
I proudly took on the role of Club President after our former President, Vivien Jones, sadly passed away. I first became involved in lacrosse through my daughter, Lauran, when she began to play in goal at school, aged 12. She joined the club aged 13 and we have been loyal Centaurs ever since! We attended goalkeeping clinics and camps up and down the east coast of the U.S learning invaluable techniques from some of the world’s greatest male and female keepers, most of which were not readily taught in this country. I have also umpired at various levels for the past ~20 years. During the lacrosse season, most of my weekends consist of umpiring and coaching! Random fact: I enjoy motorcycle riding and I used to be a hot air balloon pilot.

Ros Morrill – Treasurer
I have been a loyal Centaurs supporter for nearly thirteen years now, enjoying many victories and memorable moments, home and away. I took on the Treasurer role in 2012 to make best use of my skills and give my support to the club off the pitch as well. My credentials – I am a Chartered Accountant of 40 years, and am currently an officer of Senehasa Association, where I have jointly raised and managed nearly £2 million since February 2005 for projects in Sri Lanka following the December 2004 Tsunami. Long after the majority of aid agencies have moved on, we continue our daily work in 5 schools in the Galle area. I also love sport and keep myself fit by regular tennis, pilates and cycling. Random fact: I love wildlife, particularly African wildlife, and have been on many safaris spending magical hours observing the most endangered carnivore in Africa and my favourite – the African wild dog.

Cece Green & Hannah Thurston – Co-Club Captains

Charlotte Williams – Welfare Office & Membership Secretary
I have played for Centaurs for six season, having previously played for West London and I have loved every minute of it. I have competed for Berkshire in cross-country and athletics (triple jump and heptathlon) as well as being a National Schools squash finalist but, lacrosse is where my heart is. I have played for the West of England and England in lacrosse, at both junior and senior levels, and currently play lacrosse for Wales. I’ve represented Wales at the 2012 and 2015 European Championships where we won silver medals both times. I have also represented Wales in the 2013 and 2017 World Cup where we finished an admirable 5th and 7th place respectively. In 2017 I also had the privilege of playing for Great Britain at the World Games. A very special opportunity. Behind all these successes have been hard work and a lot of fun, of which Centaurs has had a big part to play. It has provided me the opportunity to hone my skills on a weekly basis, playing with other talented players both young and old, who have now become more than just players, but friends as well. I am so glad I came and joined the Centaurs lacrosse family. When I am not playing or training for lacrosse – realistically this is not much – I love mountain biking, participating in social summer tag rugby and travelling (I have even kayaked in Antartica). Oh, and I used to dance at the Royal Ballet School, where I developed my defensive footwork!

Alys Cowx – Social Secretary